Sleep Hygiene Tips
Sleep hygiene tips are other therapies patients that may be implemented with oral appliance management.
- Create a bedtime routine.
- No caffeine after 12 noon.
- Exercise.
- Cut alcohol at least 4 hours before bedtime.
- Sleep in total blackness. If that is not possible wear an eye mask.
- Clear out the bedroom. No TV's, no work, no activities that alert you.
- Cut back on all screen time. Do not read from back-lit devices in the bedroom. Studies show these electronic devices harm our sleep cycle.
- Limit your use of sleeping aids or sleeping pills.
- Try Melatonin or Tryptophan. Some experts believe a Tryptophan deficiency can cause problems with sleep. Tryptophan (an amino acid), 5HTP (5 Hydroxytryptophan) helps the body make serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are a known factor in sleepless nights.
- Consider an air cleaner. Especially if you have dust or mite allergies.
- If you suffer from gastric reflux try tilting the head of your bed up.